The Thin Place

This play is about life, death and the afterlife. The title of the play makes reference to the delicate separation between life, death, and what is beyond.

Some have called this play a thriller, or even a ghost story. It’s built to be unsubstantial but intensely impactful.

Two Crows, Down the Road --Photography by Maureen Janson Heintz_702.JPG


Down the Road

“‘Down the Road’ has exceptional technical design for such a small space, and the acting is as powerful as it is precise…”

Full Review

“Both Blessing’s script and Ridge’s direction succeed in complicating what seems like an obvious story at the outset. This leaves the characters, along with disquieted viewers, asking important questions about monsters and how they are made.”

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The How and the Why

“Without a doubt, “The How and the Why” is a strong production, and Two Crows is proving itself to be a substantial creative force in this small town. It makes a person want to lean in and ask questions…”

Full Review

“Layer upon layer of conflict in the script is handled deftly by both actors, who give smart, nuanced performances. They have surprising moments of strength and vulnerability over the course of the play, and it’s delightful to feel allegiances switching between the two points of view, as each makes bold leaps forward and occasional missteps on their quest for ‘truth.’ “

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A Christmas Haunting

“Madden is a whirlwind in the 75-minute show, using every inch the thrust space well, her writing filling it with distinct details that her physicalizations and storytelling make vivid in the mind’s eye. Under Marcus Truschinski’s direction the play feels pleasantly balanced and tailored for modern audiences, offering a more introspective take on the importance of accessing and sharing “tidings of comfort and joy,” even when they compete with our own darker feelings.”

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Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me

“Deftly directed by APT stalwart James DeVita, the story focuses on three men who share a cell but are “divided by a common language” -- the American doctor Adam (a determined Josh Krause); the Irish journalist Edward (a witty Marcus Truschinski); and the English academic (a gentle Robert R. Doyle).”

Full Review

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The Belle of Amherst

“The Belle of Amherst is like visiting an old friend, warmed by a cup of tea on a cold winter’s night. It is not only worth the drive; it’s an auspicious start for a new theater company.”

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“As Dickinson, Arnold’s at her best, leaning into the poet’s eccentric genius vibe.”

Full Review

Two Crows-Santaland Diaries Photography by MJH_185.JPG

The Santaland Diaries